Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Some cool pics & stuff for my Rick

Here are a couple cool pics I've taken recently...

Pretty Candace Bear

I took this pic at the beach and the sun was behind her and made it look so cool.

As you all probably know Rick loves wheat grass juice and is a firm believer in its healthy properties and would drink it everyday if he could. Well, he hasn't been able to drink it daily since we moved out of our house in Poway back at the end of August last year. Well, now that we have a new house he has been begging me to buy some wheat so he can get started on it again. So after several weeks of him asking, I finally did it...not that I didn't want to or anything, but I just really didn't even know where I was going to get any. Then as a surprise for him, I started it for him and didn't tell him till he got home the next time. He was surprised...and happy! It was a labour of love! I keep laughing because of when Rick had wheat grass at Steve n'Lynne's...How patient Lynne was with him and his grass!

Immediately after planting

Kissing the wheat grass

Finally, these are pics of this cool contraption Rick bought online from a surf gear shop. He took his board down to the servo (aussie for gas station) and he said he was quite the attraction. People couldn't stop staring and pointing. There was even a kid who said to his mom, "Look mommy! Look at that guy!" Too funny. My funny guy...


saltysista said...

Nice! I love Ric with the board on wheels. Pretty cool. I remember all the wheat grass you had in Poway. I even did a wheat grass fast with it! What was I thinking??? I know it is healthy but why did I drink grass all day for a few days? Is that your neighborhood where Ric is riding the bike?

The RC Miller Clan said...

yeah, they were taken from my front deck so that is in front of our house.

Lydster said...

your house must be really tall cause he looks real far away.

Lynne said...

Leave it to Rick to find something like that!! What a guy!!

Jeni said...

That is hillaroius!! and YA I remember the wheat grass days back in cochrane.. haha