Friday, February 29, 2008

It's about time!

My first Welcome Home sign made by my one and only mother!

I know it's been FOREVER since I got on here. I honestly don't know what my problem is. There are so many things that happen and I think "Oh this would be good to put on my blog" and then I don't do anything else about it. I've actually only just transferred my pics from the camera onto my computer. How's that for slacker? I amaze myself sometimes, and not in a good way either.

Well, I have many many things to post. When I got back from Canada, I worked for several days and then finally got unpacked. I got used to the Aussie weather again. Not too hard seeing as how it hasn't been too hot. We had one day that was killer. 41° with about 99% humidity. Yuck. I was at work that day and even the air con in the office wasn't working too good. The cool air just couldn't keep up with the hot. Kind of like when I was in Canada, there was a couple of really bad days where the north wind blew so cold (-50° that time!) and the heat in my mom's house couldn't keep up with the cold. Just exactly the opposite.

(below) On the way up to Ft. Mac...typical canadian winter driving conditions

(above) On temple street in Cardston

I had a FABULOUS time in Canada though! It started out with a pretty nice plane trip stopping in Taipei where I slep t on the airport couches for quite a while and window shopped Taiwan sirport style. I bought a few little things like some fans for my neices and daughters. Then came an unexpected night in Vancouver (I missed my flight to Calgary) but which I was glad of in the end cuz that just meant I got to spend some time with me good pal Andrei! Hi Andrei! We went to Timmy Ho's/Wendy's where I got a frosty and my first Timmy donuts in a long long time.

Downtown Calgary...I'd never loved seeing it as much as I loved it that day!

When I finally got to Calgary it was so good, my mom was actually early and so Blaze and her were sitting there waiting for me when I got off the plane. Yay! This is what I came for. Thanks mom! I had my first bag of ketchup chips in about 18 months or more and they were every bit as good as I remembered. Thanks again Mom! Well, that's where the eating started and I'm sad to say it still hasn't stopped! yikes! I love food so much, I think that's one of the biggest things I miss about home is not having all the yummy food you can buy in Canada.

I spent the first few days of my trip shopping shopping shopping! One night Blaze said to me "Mom, what are we going to do tomorrow?" I said, "I don't know, probably just chill out" to which he replied "Mom, could we please not go shopping?" ha ha ha! Poor boy! He got to hang out with his mom for 3 whole weeks and he didn't even get sick of me! He is so cute though, we had a great time together. He is such a funny kid. Always making jokes and laughing at funny stuff like Corner Gas!! I can't believe that a kid finds that funny!! I watched a LOT of that show. My first time ever seeing it. It's so good. I love it! I think I love it just cauzse its Canadian.

I saw lots of friends and family but will post that later. Here are some pics to enjoy...

(below right) This is my neighbor in Welling's place...You know you're a redneck when...

(below) Only in Canada...what a corny canadian invention! I laughed so hard...Rrrroll up the rrrrim to win! ha ha. Then there's Old Chief and just some random Canada flag on the side of the it!

My Southern Alberta wheat fields...wheatless of course at this time of year...


Lydster said...

that's so funny, I never knew there was a RimRoller! I didn't know Mom made you a sign, that's so sweet. Don't we have the best Mom ever?

Heinzlmeir Haven said...

What an awesome welcome home...your boy, your mom and a bag of ketchup chips....ahhhh....can it get any better?

saltysista said...

I love Canada but I could never survive there! -50!! That is crazy!