Thursday, July 31, 2008

A Little bit o' bag session

Well, once again, I have procrastinated in the blogging world. I seem to put off anything that I may have a little trouble doing these days, and for some reason I'm being camera shy. Meaning, I don't like to use my camera. Whatever can I say about that besides WEIRDO! Well, I have a funny thing to tell and that is that about a month ago Mesa and I had gone for a walk and on our way home found this cool looking spider. It is Lime Green and since I had never seen a Lime Green spider before I was fascinated. So I had Mesa capture it...yeah, I'm a sissy when it comes to spiders. I don't care HOW big they are! And so we brought it home in this bottle and I was going to take a picture of it and post it on the blog! Good intentions right? I mean, who doesn't want to see a freakin green spider right??? Well, besides my mom...Well like I said, that was probably a month ago now and I just BARELY took the pics and threw the jar outside on the lawn so it could get out and be free. I mean, spiders must be pretty sturdy creatures to be able to stand being in a jar for a month without any means of food whatsoever and I am by far a spider lover or even liker for that matter but I did feel kinda bad for it and I just asked Rick what kind of freak am I to do something like that?? He agreed with me so it's a done deal...I'm officially a freakin moron!

Well, you'd think I had absolutely NOTHIN going on in my life AT ALL to be talking about a silly spider for so long but truth be told, that is actually pretty spot on! I mean, I have the daily grind stuff happening. Breaking up fights, stocking the cupboards, trying to stay fit by exercising, reading my Work and Glory books and who could forget the constant clean up in this construction zone that I call home. But really, other than that my life is somewhat lame. Not that I'm complaining about that! I mean, I'd rather have a lame life than one where my husband gets convicted of being involved in helping establish a child pornography website right?? That has actually happened to someone I know around here. Very strange and sick.

Well, I do have something to look forward to! And that is that my sissy and my granny and her sissy are coming to Australia to visit me! In 2 weeks they will be here and my house is a construction zone! Oh my gosh! What are they going to think? Well, hopefully they will look past all the sawdust and the cold air drafting through the house and just be happy to be around their favorite sis, granddaughter and neice right? I hope its everything they expect and that I can show them a good time. Oh, sis, if you read this, will you please bring me some ketchup chips?? and some eatmore's?

You know what I just realized? I say well alot when I start a new sentence or paragraph. Funny funny me. My boss is always bugging me b/c I say 'anyway' all the time. He's an Aussie, what can I say? But ANYWAYS, Blaze had cut himself a while back b/c he thought he could walk across this window out in the front yard which was leaning against some wood and stuff in our construction rubbish pile but was mostly horizontal. I guess he didn't think it could break. Well, like a couple of other kids I know, they tend not to think very logically and he ended up with a gash about 4 cm long by 1 cm deep. He was absolutely hysterical for the first few minutes and then we said a prayer and he calmed right down and was actually very melancholy. He asked Pops to give him a blessing and was quite concerned that he might actually die. It was pretty sweet and funny considering the fact that he was hardly even bleeding! So off to the doc we go and get some stitches. 8 to be exact and that was a fun experience all on its own. The doc who happens to be a friend of ours said when I asked him how many times he'd stitched up his own kids said he actually has NEVER had to! He reckons his kids must've grown up in some sort of bubble or something. Well, Rick wanted to be like his big brother Steve and take out the stitches so here's a pic of that...

You know, I was having so much fun being positive I forgot to talk about my reason for the title of this post. Ok, I'll start off by telling you that in California my kids used to be able to buy their lunch once a week no sweat. I would send them to school with $1.50 and they would get a 4 item lunch. Main dish, 2 items from the salad bar and a drink. Sounds pretty good right? Well, here they have everything individually priced and you don't get your kids a good, well rounded meal for less than 5 or 6 bucks MINIMUM. Ok, so I guess that's what they charge so what can I do about it right? Well, then I hear that if you use the tuck shops brown paper bags to have your lunch delivered in then they charge you 5¢. Ok...then if you need a plastic spoon then they will also charge you 5¢ for that...whatever...but here's the kicker. Today my Mesa asks me for 20¢ so she can get her apple slinky'd. I'm like, what's that? So she tells me its like when I do it to the apples when I'm going to make a pie or something. It's what takes and apple from this...

to this...

and finally you end up with this...

Ok, first off, that is the greatest way to get kids to want to eat an apple eh? But come on, whatever happened to performing a service? I mean, get real, these kids just want you to spend 5 seconds slinky'ing their apple for them and you want to charge them 20¢?? What is happening around here? I told Mesa to tell them that her mom thought it was an outrage that they would charge $ to do that and that they should be doing it as a service. I don't actually think she will tell them anything of the sort! I also thought that maybe I will go to school and slinky apples on the side for free! hehehehe...I'm so evil!!!

You know, when it comes right down to it, I guess I have a lot to say but the rest will have to wait till next time which I promise will be soon! Like a day or two, not a month or two!